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See more about Town below
  • Lighting The Way Home
  • Baking Bread
  • Setting The Table
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Lighting The Way Home

Each night, when I return home from work, especially in the darkest months of winter, I turn on the lamp that sits near the front window

This is the first thing I do — before removing my shoes, before reading my mail, before letting the dog out in the yard. It is a small gesture, yet a meaningful one. This simple, ritualistic act — the turning of the switch, hearing the satisfying click as the lamp fills the room with its gentle glow — welcomes me home, to a place of light and warmth.

More importantly, the lightened lamp stands in the window as a beacon for my family members yet to arrive, welcoming them home, calling them to me.

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Baking Bread

Every Friday morning, my friend and client, Barb, takes from her cupboard a well-used, sturdy mixing bowl, assembles her ingredients and bakes bread.

For the entire day, her home is warm and fragrant with the scent of rising dough and caramelizing sugars. The act of baking bread is truly and alchemical process, transforming a few ordinary ingredients…flour, yeast, honey & eggs…into loaves that are indescribably light yet chewy, savoury yet sweet. Every Friday afternoon, two loaves rest on Barb’s island counter: one to enjoy with her family at their traditional Friday dinner, and one to give away as a mitzvah to a friend or acquaintance who has touched her in some way.

For this is the real magic of preparing food: sharing it with others.

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Setting The Table

Don’t you just love a dinner party?

The anticipation builds as the preparations begin earlier in the day: from smoothing out the crisply ironed table linens to the soft thud of the bolt on the armoire that stores the serving platters. The tinkle of silverware. Scent of fresh flowers. Arranging everything just so. Music! Don’t forget the music. And, lastly, the lighting of the candles just before the guests arrive.

Good friends. Conversation. Wine. Food. Laughter.

This night will hold much.

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